Today's the Day

Today’s the Day - in 2022, this is July 28. In 2020, it was August 22…

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when ‘humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year’.

Imagine the Earth's is your bank account and the resources (the things earth produces) are your money. You open your account on Jan 1st. Your salary goes in each month (like the Earth constantly produces & provides services).  You, however, are constantly spending more than you earn, so much so that by August 22nd you run out of money.

You have to use your overdraft and you are charged interest. (as the Earth's resources and systems deplete they are less able to restore those we use i.e. the cost goes up). However, you don’t change your ways. Despite paying in your salary every month your overdraft increases month on month for the rest of the year and you end up so severely in debt you are threatened with eviction!

We know it can be overwhelming to think about how your personal Footprint contributes to global overshoot so break it down into steps. Choose the most appealing/ easiest first and try and tackle a new one maybe each month. Follow our Lil tips to take steps to #MoveTheDate and avoid our eviction from Earth

We shared these 5 in our Newsletter - scroll to the next 5 if you’re already on it.

Do what you already do

What changes have you made during lockdown that you could maintain long term? Try to consistently keep them going. Its might be remote working, growing your own veg, baking your own bread, supporting local businesses. It has all made a difference and we need to keep it going.


If we reduced global meat consumption by 50% and used more calories from plants, we would move Overshoot Day 17 days! How often can you skip meat and enjoy a plant based meal? Work up to 4 days a week if you can but start where you are

Lil tips to help:

  • Find someone plant based who inspires you in the kitchen. I love the Bosh Brothers, Deliciously Ella and @sustainably_vegan

  • Discover 5 plant based dinner recipes that you enjoy.

  • Visit your local farmers market or independent grocer and marvel at the beautiful fresh fruit and veg. Choose something you haven’t tried before.

  • For the meat you do eat, seek out a local producer who applies conservation based or regenerative farm practices ie they restore the land as they farm. Check out Wilding for some insight into what can be done whilst still producing food.



Depending on where we live, some of us may finally be able to leave the confinement of our homes and enjoy a change of scenery for a bit. If so, let’s celebrate by exploring, not exploiting!  What can you do to make your trips this year part of the solution, not part of the problem?

 Lil tips to help:

  • Search out eco accommodation. That might be anything from a tent to a high quality small-scale hotel - look for renewable energy, serving local food with plant based options, links with local community. Although large hotel chains can be very efficient, these small-scale hotels will reduce the accommodation Footprint by as much as 48%.

  • Is the location close to the amenities you want? Choose wisely and you can limit how much vehicle based travel you have to do.

  • Consider alternative transportation both to get there and when you arrive. Can you travel by train? An electric hire car will help reduce the Footprint by 40-50%, and a bike ride means no Footprint at all!

  • If you’re self-catering, buy local and organic food products. Making this choice improves each meal with a tasty Footprint reduction of 5%*. This can really add up over the course of a trip.

  • Get inspired and watch The Great Travel Hack (sponsored by Shell, part of their greenwashing programme meh!) or The New American Road Trip

Switch to renewable energy and save it

This is a totally doable change and stands to save you money too.

Lil tips to help:

  • Switch your supplier to a 100% renewable one. It doesn't take much time and isn't difficult plus it may well be cheaper!

  • Consider adding renewable heat and power production to your home - solar panels, roof top turbines, DIY solar greenhouse heater - no matter how small it all contributes.

  • Take action on the £££ escaping from your home. If your insulation is poor you are literally heating the world! That is wasted energy and money. Check roof, windows, and doors and make sure they are properly insulated.

  • Use less - switch off lights when there's no one in the room, turn your heating down a degree or 2, don’t leave things on standby.

Tell the world your dreams

Declare what you want to see (and possibly help make) happen in order to #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day to December 31 or later before 2050?  Join the #MoveTheDate movement by following their tips below. It’s as easy as posting your 15-second video selfie on your favourite social media!


  • Create your own video or photo selfie

  • Post it on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,…) with the hashtags #MoveTheDate and #dolilthings and @EndOvershoot & @dolilthings tags.

Write Let’s #MoveTheDate ! on your palm before you start


I am [name].

I will be [age] in 2050.

I want… … [come up with your own sentence OR feel free to borrow from suggestions below:]

…my city to be car-free

…my city to have houses that are self-powered

…all electricity and fuel to come from renewable sources only

…my country to have efficient trains that get me places – even overnight

…food waste to be a thing of the past

…deserts to be turned into edible forest gardens

my food to grow in a soil that’s alive with healthy, beneficial microorganisms

Let’s #MoveTheDate ! [Show up the palm of your hand]


The Next 5…

Food waste

The amount of wasted food is equivalent to about 9% of the global Ecological Footprint. If we cut food waste in half worldwide, we would #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day by 11 days. How can you take on food waste in your daily life?

Lil tips to help:

  • Plan out your meals so you only buy what you need. You can find ready made plans online and adapt to suit your family.

  • Keep on top of leftovers.  In our house we plan a fridge raid lunch on a Monday and a dinner on a Thursday each week. That way nothing is left to fester and go to waste.

  • Get into stocks, soups and smoothies as a great way to use up bits of veg - including bits you might normally throw away like leaves and stalks

  • Ask your favourite restaurant or food outlet what happens to their food waste? Get it on their radar and encourage change

  • Join Olio or Too Good To Go and make the most of perfectly good food that would otherwise be wasted.

Nurture nature

Being in nature makes us feel good. Some of us have been vividly (painfully even!) reminded of this fact during the pandemic while confined to our urban dwellings for weeks on end. We also depend upon fertile soil, clean water, and pristine air for our bodies to be nourished and thrive.

Lil tips to help:

  • Plant a tree or lots of trees. You can do this literally by planting the trees yourself and virtually by switching to Ecosia as your default search engine.

  • Grow a wildlife patch. Think about the creatures local to you that would benefit and include resources for them - pollen rich flowers, hedgehog houses, minibeast and bee hotels, a pond, a pile of dead wood... so many things you could do.

  • Join forces with local groups to help get your voices heard by local and national government. Here in East Lothian you can check out @rewildingeastlothian

  • Volunteer with a local conservation organisation.

Cut the commute carbon

Reduced driving alone due to coronavirus-induced lockdowns around the world moved the date of Earth Overshoot Day. Can we build on this momentum – embracing more walking and biking, and using public transportation when safely available – to ensure that reduced driving is here to stay by design and not just a temporary event that was thrust upon us?

Lil tips to help:

  • Work from home or locally if possible

  • Get on your bike, electric or pedal powered

  • Utilise public transport when you feel it is safe to do so

  • If you are considering changing your vehicle look for low emission, hybrid or electric options

Capsule your wardrobe

Clothing makes up 3% of the global Ecological Footprint. One of the goals of a capsule wardrobe is to be intentional about clothing purchases. Take a look at your closet. Can you design your clothing capsule and streamline your wardrobe?

Lil tips to help:

  • Choose your 'cannot be parted with' most worn items first and build your wardrobe around them.

  • Consider what to do with the rest - sell or give away, give to charity, or swish it.

  • Make a promise not to buy new this year and source and essentials you need second hand, ideally from non-plastic fabrics (it hard but possible).


Here at Lil HQ we are all about shoring ideas and opportunities to make a Lil difference. We share top tips and inspiration as well as sell bamboo toothbrushes! We hope you find what we do useful (please do tell us if you do or don’t!) and would love you to share this newsletter with others. Please follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram and share posts that resonate with you so that you can inspire others to make changes too. Together we can have a massive impact but we need you help to spread the love and #MoveTheDate. That leads us nicely on to the last tip… #dolilthings. Just have a go, and keep at it.