Lil's Haddington Litter Blitz

Join the Haddington Litter Blitz at any time that suits you from September 20 - September 26. Sponsored by Taylor Wimpey East Scotland, this clean up coincides with UK Recycling Week and the Marine Conservation Society’s UK Big Beach Clean.

Let’s stop the litter at the tap, or at very least before it hits our waterways.

It’s SUPER simple to be involved.

  1. Go to to pop a pin for where and when you (or you and friends/ sporting team/ clubs) will clean up. This will ensure we get a good spread of cleaning up,; that we don’t all go to the same place at once and it will help show how many of us are happy to get the gloves on for our town.

  2. Contact Lil to get the pink waste bags we need for the council to pick up our waste. This is important because we can’t get the litter collected otherwise. Lil also has some litter pickers and gloves available. Feel free to join the Haddington Litter Blitz Facebook group for updates and see what happens when our community #dolilthings together.

  3. Pick up the litter! Hooray. Well done you, and thanks for making our community even better. Please share your photos with us @dolilthings #dolilthings #tidyhaddy and in the Facebook group. Let’s make a buzz. Please be sure to email or make a comment in the Facebook group about how many bags or how many kg of litter you picked.

  4. Making sure the bags are tied securely, drop them at one of five collection points in Haddington. East Lothian Council has kindly agreed to collect, sort and separate waste for appropriate disposal/ recycling.

    1. By the recycling bins at Aubigny

    2. Beside the bin on the cobbled area opposite Lemac

    3. Recycling area at Seggarsdean Court

    4. Beside the bin at the bottom of Burnside, by the wildflowers on Pencaitland Rd

    5. Recycling area at Riverside Play area

Stay safe! Some key points to remember:

  1. Don’t pick up anything that looks hazardous. Contact for anything beyond what you can do.

  2. Carry a strong sided bucket/ tub if you are prepared to pick up glass/ sharp items. Be super careful.

  3. If you pick up a bottle, leave any liquid sealed inside it. Don’t investigate.

  4. Stay covid aware. Latest guidance here

  5. Be aware of traffic and other hazards while you’re out and about.

Why is this a beach clean?

80% of marine litter comes from land sources. All our waterways, even the drains down the street, end up in the sea one day. We need to turn our litter off at the tap - by refusing unnecessary packaging, reducing what we use, rethinking what “waste” is. Lil can help with this - pop in to 10 High St or explore our website for ideas, tips and products to help you cut your waste, everyday.

For the waste we think we put in the bin and it blew away, or for the litter we see on the street - that’s where community effort comes in. Thank you for being a part of it!!

Let’s stop our litter hitting the seas: image shows litter collected on a beach

Let’s stop our litter hitting the seas: image shows litter collected on a beach